Editor’s note:

Editor’s note:

So it’s been 6 months since I’ve blogged, and looking back at the frequency established over the last few years, I’m right on time for another sporadic entry.  I’ve long been torn about continuing to update this dust-covered, cobwebbed corner of the interwebs. I...
On 29!

On 29!

Living +19 hours from ‘home’ makes for a very long birthday – more than 36 hours from the first well wishes yesterday until well now, these last few minutes before the clock ticks over and it’s just a regular Wednesday. It’s been so long...
On going home

On going home

The thing about moving away is there is always the inevitable ‘going home’. And this is the situation I find myself in. After more than 18 months away, I’m enroute ‘home’. In Brisbane I often went ‘home’. Every few months for birthdays, Easter, weddings, Christmas. A...
Canadaversary – one year on

Canadaversary – one year on

Preamble: Today is one year since I arrived in Canada. I’ve known it was coming. I’ve been deciding if I wanted to write again on this cob-webbed filled corner of the interwebs. It has been on the horizon for a few weeks – since I looked ahead back in May to find a...
My week of true Canadian winter.

My week of true Canadian winter.

The day I started my job in Vancouver the office was abuzz. Hundreds of journalists and publications from around the world were gathered for the biggest media event of the year in Calgary, the largest city in neighbouring province Alberta. There was a breakfast...