A taste of ballet

I hate institutionalised fitness. I hate gyms. I hate that healthy living and regular exercise has been commercialised. I hate that going to the gym is the normal thing to do – what happened to just going outside? Today I went to my first exercise class in about...

A how-to guide to doing nothing

I’m not very good at doing nothing. My ideal holiday involves people, activites, museums, sightseeing and the like. The typical picturesque sit-by-a-beach and relax is torturous. Add waterskiing, sailing, beach cricket, kayaking and you’ve got my...
Gone without a goodbye

Gone without a goodbye

We’d been talking about it for a while, but it wasn’t until Sunday midday that I realised.  I’d just poured a glass of water and I looked up to the white board to see my dad’s sketch. “He’s gone?” “He’s really...

Melanie the grump

I’ve been a bit of a grump lately. Little things that I don’t usually let bother me have been accumulating and an aura of grumpiness has been following me around. I’ve been rude, impatient, less helpful and awfully direct in my words. I had to go and...

I know you’re busy

I’m not offended easily but if there’s one sure way to offend me, it’s to call me busy. “Oh I’d love to catch up, but I know you’re busy” “Mel, you are so busy – you do too much.” And today’s “Hi...