So it’s been 6 months since I’ve blogged, and looking back at the frequency established over the last few years, I’m right on time for another sporadic entry. 

I’ve long been torn about continuing to update this dust-covered, cobwebbed corner of the interwebs. I have written about it here. But I’ve been reminded that my domain and hosting is up for renewal again…

Who wants to read the words of another privileged white woman complaining / reflecting on her troubles going about life…from the inner-city apartment of which she lives alone, earning enough to afford rent, furnish, maintain, entertain and leave to travel around? 

Who wants to read the words of another single Christian woman desperate to not live, quarantine, maintain (and sustain) a life and travel alone, not only so paying rent on the aforementioned apartment alone isn’t so draining. 

Who wants words placed into an ether that could potentially be read by further employers, current and future colleagues, future potential (and actual) dates? 

Who wants to read their own words of a past self, with all the insecurities, narrow mindset, now wrong perspective, poor discernment or just terrible content. 

There are lots of reasons not to continue. But then I chat with my treasured friends and family gathered over nearly 3 decades of life. I soundboard how I’m wrestling with struggles – those unique and very much not unique to me, I share my experience in stepping out of my comfort zone and we just share our lives with one another. In these moments I’m reminded that others might also have similar experiences and I’m not alone. I hope some of the words would serve as a comfort or challenge for those in similar or perhaps vastly different circumstances. I hope in processing life and writing these words, I am convicted to be bold to share but also humble in rebuke. I hope when future Melanie reads them, rather than cringe she is proud of her growth. And when colleagues or future dates (yes, we are all google searching our Bumble/Hinge matches) come across this page, they don’t let this define the Melanie they know or meet, but rather allow to get to know me without judging me based on whatever you read, like or don’t like here. 

So after years contributing to pages of draft posts and an iPhone notes app with a handful of drafts that have assisted in processing various issues and seasons, I have uploaded many and scheduled them to release over the coming month. If you read it and want to read more, tell me. Encourage me. If you hate it, tell me. Rebuke me. Or just ignore if it doesn’t add any value to your life. Sorry.